Hublag goes P2P : Partner to Partner

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Hublag goes P2P : Partner to Partner

Hublag goes P2P : Partner to Partner
New mindset. New standards

GRF Hublag reinvigorates its partnership strategy with all of its value chain partners to ensure the sustainability of the livelihood of all its partners:

  • Oyster Project Partnership with Crystal Bay as the buyer of all oysters based on agreed standards.
  • Mussel Project Partnership with UP Visayas and Lorenzana Patis. UP Visayas has identified mussel farmers who will produce “Low salt-fermented mussel sauce” for Lorenzana Patis
  • Zero Rice Waste Project Partnership with Ebangz Mushroom as the buyer of mushroom fruit bags produced by rice farmers from rice straw.
  • Hito Project Partnership with Tateh Feeds company which provides free training to all hito farmers on proper production
    process for higher hito yield and improved production costs.

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